Jennifer Brush

Jennifer Brush


Jennifer Brush, MA, CCC/SLP is a Fulbright Specialist, and an award-winning dementia care author and consultant. Jennifer also serves as the Director, Brush Development, USA and Program Director, Montessori Education for Dementia St. Nicholas Montessori College, Ireland.  With her nearly three decades of industry experience, including leading countless live national and international trainings, facilitating ground-breaking research, and managing innovative person-centered projects for the Ohio Council for Cognitive Health, Jennifer flawlessly bridges the gap between care communities and the individuals they serve. Jennifer serves on the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) Advisory Board for Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing.  Jennifer is the author of numerous research articles and several nationally recognized books on dementia including her latest book, Montessori for Elder and Dementia Care, published by Health Professions Press.  Jennifer is widely known for her innovative work in the Spaced Retrieval memory intervention, pioneering this area of study in speech-language pathology and publishing 2 books on the subject.